Arma 3 Exile Changes 08.10.2024

    • Official Post

    - added a couple of new buildings

    - added a couple of new Auto Loot vehicle variants

    - increased capacity of XL, Special and Experimental aircrafts with 500 capacity to 1000

    - replaced 30mm cannon on AC-130J with Bushmaster 20mm

    - replaced Vikhr on AC-130J with DAGR

    - added BTR-90 (Experimental)

    - added new replacement models for Iron, Silver and Gold Ore, Silver and Gold Bar

    - added new replacement models for Fishing Net, Pan

    - added new replacement models for Cartridges, Projectiles, Gun Powder, Scrap Metal, Car Seat, Piston, Exhaust, Rotor Blade, Main Rotor, Tail Rotor, Headlight, Crankshaft, Engine, Fuel Tank*

    - added new replacement models for Carrot, Rotten Carrot, Banana, Rotten Banana, Cucumber, Watermelon, Rotten Watermelon, Red Berries, Blue Berries, Rotten Berries, Orange, Rotten Orange, Red Apple, Green Apple, Rotten Apple, Pear, Rotten Pear, Pumpkin, Tomato, Strawberry, Potato, Beet, Passion Fruit, Pomegrenade, Ananas, Cacao, Sugar, Cocos, Cotton, Corn, Grass, Wheat, Cola, Tea Leaves, Whiskey, Juice**

    - added new replacement models for Fertilizer, Chemical Fertilzer***

    - added new replacement models for Gemstones, Crystals and Diamonds

    - added new items: Iron Bar, Bronze Bar, Copper Bar, Item Bar, Copper Ore, Tin Ore, Coal Ore, Sulfur Ore****

    - added new items: Milk Carton, Rotten Cucumber, Rotten Apricot, Rotten Pumpkin, Rotten Tomato, Rotten Strawberry, Rotten Potato, Rotten Beet, Rotten Passion Fruit, Rotten Pomegrenade, Rotten Ananas

    - added V-44 X Experimental with the AC-130U armament

    - added AH-64D (DAGR) CUP variant

    - added CUP AH-64D Multirole as Special vehicle

    - added some funny admin requested stuff (don't even ask...)

    - added Bitcoin (Bronze = 50k, Silver = 150k, Gold = 250k)

    - adjusted icon for Radar base object

    - adjusted system behind Status Bar, Information Bar and Logo

    - adjusted the usage of Cartridges and Projectiles for vehicle crafting*****

    - adjusted usage of Rotor Blades, Main Rotor and Tail Rotor******

    - adjusted armament, decals and skin for MiG-29A and MiG-29G*******

    - Marker Deletions now getting logged on the client side (for report purpose)

    - Flipping now uses new Arma 3 method

    - increased Rubber Duck price of MiG-29A and MiG-29G to 343

    - added both variants to Pylon Manager

    - added them both to blacklist for "Change Texture"


    - class names of new items have been renamed

    - all old Vehicle Crafting items will have the name "Legacy"

    - you can convert these items to the new items via the Vehicle Crafting Crate


    - class names of Whiskey, Juice, Rotten Watermelon, Pomegrenade have been renamed

    - old class names will not be replaced

    - item Apple will be removed and not replaced

    - Apple Tree will be split into Red and Green Apple Tree


    - class names of new items have been renamed

    - old items will have the name "Legacy" and can be converted into new items via the Composter


    - most metals are needed to melt them into bars which can be sold

    - Coal and Sulfur is needed to craft Gun Powder (2x Sulfur, 10x Coal)


    - renamed Cartridges to Cartridge Cases, Cartridge Cases and Projectiles are needed to craft Cartridges which will replace Projectiles in vehicle crafting

    - to craft Cartridges you need 1x Cartridge Cases, 1x Projectiles and 10x Gun Powder

    - current Cartridges will be replaced with new Cartridges

    - old Ammo Mold will be replaced with new Cartridges


    - Rotor Blades are not part of the vehicle crafting itself anymore

    - Main Rotors and Tail Rotors can be crafted out of Rotor Blades


    - all three variants are now finished (except camo)

    - MiG-29A (East Germany) will have the standarized Warsaw Pact ammo, but limited to its pylons

    - MiG-29G (West Germany) and MiG-29A (Poland) will have the standarized NATO ammo, but limited to its pylons

    - all three planes are able to be used at the Pylon Manager

    - to make them actual more usable, they have increased fuel tanks and lower fuel consumption

    • Official Post

    - added crafting recipes for Iron, Bronze, Copper and Tin Bar

    - added crafting recipe for Gun Powder: 10x Coal and 2x Sulfur

    - added crafting recipe for Cartridges: 1x Projectiles, 1x Cartridge Cases, 10x Gun Powder

    - added crafting recipe for Main Rotor: 5x Rotor Blade, 10x Scrap Metal, 5x Metal Wire

    - added crafting recipe for Tail Rotor: 3x Rotor Blade, 6x Scrap Metal, 3x Metal Wire

    - adjusted crafting recipes for Fertilizer (Organic now requires 18x Fish/6x Meat/Rotten Item and 1x Food Container; Chemical now requires 18x Fish/6x Meat/Rotten Item, 1x Food Container and 1x Gun Powder)

    - lowered output of cutting fish into filets

    - removed crafting recipe for Projectiles

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