Beiträge von Drunken Nelson


    Guys i have big problem.

    Im in Austria now, and comeing back to home in about 1 week. I must pay protection money for base but my pc with Arma is in home xF

    Could admin charge me for protection money? I rly dont want to loose my base;(

    I have money for this but havnt computer now to join arma server...

    thx from the advance.


    I got question about actually using gun i helicopter (like blackfoot/kajman)

    I got problem to fly black foot/kajman solo.

    When im sitting as pilot, taking manual fire - cant use target camera.

    When im sitting as gunner - target camera just blocking and cant move - i cant move gun but all helicopter xF

    How to just stop in one place (auto hover) and can use movment only gun not all heli?

    PLz help xF

    1. Im really carful but still vehicles just drop coz of this ropes XF Whats is the problem to add few mb mod?

    2. thx, but its not this one. its still cant slove problem :/

    3. They are shooting everywhere. i lost 3 hurons coz of this fuckin npc's. /Btw could somebody remove this shooting npc's helis? xF

    4. show me this players xP


    I have few problems while im playing at this server.

    1. Befor server restart i landed heli (Taru with all my staff for missions xF), locked and go to trader - unfortunetly server just started restart and kicked me. After restart i loged in and didn't see my heli with all my staff :/

    2. I lost few of trucks because after pick up at ropes in heli and flying - ropes just cut and missed truck (few times!) Plz install finally this mod for pick up...

    3. There is no settings for vision - like when im trying to do mission as sniper - minimum 800m usually i cant see npcs coz' they are "swimming" underground, - I have graphic settings "ultra"...

    I played one exile server whose had settings in "6" what can make ground lower or higher - that was effectly fix problem. I can ask this guy (server owner how to add it - unfortunatly server not exists coz personal problems of owner ;( )

    4. Most of killed npc's havn't any staff like ammo, instadocks, and other staff xF - first time i see something like this at exile server. you should fix it :/

    5. Missions are located little bit with no idea ;P Most of missions are located in the middle of something like forest or just places hard to see from distance xF Unfortunatlly bots in opposite to player can see throw the bush, trees and other things what normal player can see xF


    1. As ^ - add pick up mod

    2. Ad settings to set ground.

    3. Change places of missions. - like this one with 60 npc's (military base or how was it name) - for example should be in the desert. to many targets to kill and looking in forests or where they are going...

    4. All killed npc's should have minimum ammo for their weapon xF most of them has only EQ like empty uniform and vest xF

    And actually - how to craft the vehicles o.0 there is no any recipes xF