General Topics

Are there special benefits for donators?

We currently offer the following ranks for VIP, depending on the duration and amount of donations:

- VIP light (lasts for one month; at least 10 Euro)

- VIP plus (lasts for three months; at least 50 Euro)

- VIP gold (lasts for six months; very high donations or long-term donators)*

Donations will be automated processed by the system 30 minutes after they were received.

In general, we offer the following bonuses for donors:

- own Discord channel

- access to our Minecraft server

For Arma 3: due to Bohemia Interactive's regulation that mod creators are free to monetize their mods, we can offer no to limited bonuses for donators due to the use of CUP, RHS and 3CB.

Currently we can offer donors the following:

- more vehicles refundable in Self Service (Panel)

- every 60 minutes of active playtime you get up to three Rubberducks depending on your VIP rank**

* VIP gold is additionally unlocked for Supporters

** Rubberducks can be used to craft special items, including vehicles.

*** Attention: this is only for donations received via the Forum

Which features are in the Panel?

- looking into stats and logs, e.g. Wages, Skills, Territory, Vehicles, Refund Queue

- renew Territory for the same amount as ingame (VIP only)

- delete constructions and containers of your own Territory

- refund destroyed vehicles if possible (limited to VIP rank, but you can still contact staff)

Arma 3 Exile

How can I improve the performance of the game?

Due to the number of mods that are loaded at start-up, it is important to use an SSD hard disk or an NVMe hard disk. These sometimes work hundreds of times faster than an outdated HDD hard drive.

The processor is also important for Arma 3. Contrary to what is usually claimed, it is not the number of cores that is important, but the clock frequency. Accordingly, we recommend a processor with at least 4 cores (with Hyperthreading 8 cores), which has a clock frequency of at least 3 GHz. However, the most common processors from Intel and AMD already achieve higher values.

In addition to the processor, the graphics card is also important. Do not use old graphics cards or the integrated graphics unit of the processor.

At least important is the main memory, whereby we recommend a minimum of 8 GB. Please note the clock frequency supported by the mainboard and processor. You can find information about this on the manufacturer's website or in the manual.

You can also find more information about the hardware on these websites:

- https://www.harddrivebenchmark.net/

- https://www.cpubenchmark.net/

- https://www.memorybenchmark.net/

- https://www.videocardbenchmark.net/

Best advise: To further improve the performance of Arma 3, you can use the Performance Branch of the game. You can find more information here: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3:_Steam_Branches

Also you can boost the performance with the following settings in the Launcher:


A customized Memory Allocator can be one like this: https://github.com/GoldJohnKing/mimalloc

You can also find more information about Arma 3 on the official Discord of the Arma family: https://discord.com/invite/arma

How does Base Building work?

1. Find a nice place where you want to build.
2. Use 'Can I build here?' on the XM8 front page and check, if this place is available.
3. You can buy yourself a flag at the Trader. It costs 75.450 Poptabs and requires 50.000 Respect.
4. When you place the flag, please use a proper name. Otherwise admins will rename it.

5. Players within a group are allowed to have a maximum of two territories.

6. Bases have to be renewed after 30 days.

Level Purchase Price Radius Number of Objects Virtual Garage
1 75.315
2 151.225
3 228.010
4 305.950
5 385.325
6 466.415
7 549.500
8 634.860
9 722.755
10 813.525
11 907.390
12 1.004.650
13 1.105.585
14 1.210.475
15 1.319.600
16 1.433.240
17 1.551.675
18 1.675.185
21 2.078.965
22 2.225.575
23 2.378.660
24 2.538.500
25 2.705.375
26 2.879.565
260 78
27 3.061.350
270 81
28 3.251.010
280 84
29 3.448.825
290 87
30 3.655.075
300 90
31 3.865.700 125 310 93
32 4.080.700 125 320 96
33 4.300.075 125 330 99
34 4.523.825 125 340 102
35 4.571.950 125 350 105

Vehicles may remain on the server for 48 hours and are then automatically deleted. For the benefit of the frames (FPS) of your fellow players and of course yourself, the vehicles should be parked in the virtual garage. Bases must be paid for every 30 days.

Please also take a look into: https://avmg.eu/index.php?faq-…t-my-own-customized-flag/

How can I move the flag of my base?

The flag can only be moved by an admin. You can request this via Ticket.

Can I get my own customized flag?

Yes, this is possible. Please open a Ticket in Discord. The following requirements need to be fullfilled:

- only allowed file format is PNG

- allowed size of image is 512x256px (not more, not less)

- image doesn't break any copyright of a 3rd party

Can a base be restored if it has been deleted?

In some cases a base can be restored. The maximum time to restore a base after deletion is two days. You can request the restoration via Ticket.

Why are mission vehicles not replaced?

Mission vehicles in that sense no longer exist.Most vehicles, except for rewards from static missions, must be claimed. Claimed vehicles run on the player's own account and can therefore be replaced. All vehicles that do not run on the player's account will not be replaced.

Vehicles from static missions are generally not replaced.

Why do I only see question marks in the Trader?

The question marks mean that you do not have enough respect for the item to be displayed.

The respect levels can be found here: https://avmg.eu/index.php?faq/#entry-20

Which Launcher should I use?

Since the Arma 3 launcher has been constantly improved over the last few years, we recommend using it.

We are aware that there are still players who use the A3Launcher http://a3launcher.com/. Due to the limited support, we strongly advise against using this launcher. Also, there are always errors caused by its use.

If you need help setting up or understanding the onboard Arma 3 launcher, please feel free to join the Arma 3 Discord: https://discord.gg/arma

BattlEye Query Timeout - how can I fix this problem?

Hint: before you do the following things just take a look into that FAQ article: https://avmg.eu/index.php?faq-…ce-des-spiels-verbessern/

I get the error Signature mismatch, how can I fix it?

At first please verify the game cache of Arma 3:


If it's a mod, you also can repair the mod via Arma 3 Launcher:


Important information: after repair you need to restart the Launcher.

I'm getting constantly kicked - why?

First of all, please create a ticket in Discord so that we can help you with this.

Please download the following file: https://sourceforge.net/projec…tr/files/WinMTR-v092.zip/

Extract the file WinMTR-v092.zip and open the folder WinMTR_x64. Double click WinMTR.exe. Now a program should open which looks like this:


In the "Host" field, enter the IP address of the server on which you are playing. You can find the IP address as follows:


Please leave the MTR open for at least 1000 runs. Please send the MTR data in the ticket you opened. Please also give us your public IPv4 address (you can find this, e.g. via https://whatismyipaddress.com/) so that we can also perform an MTR from the server.

Is it possible to change the loadout of vehicles?

Yes, this is generally possible. However, this ability is only unlocked for special vehicles, as you can craft. You can find these in the Vehicle Crafting list with the name “Dynamic Loadout”. Alternatively, you can find all unlocked vehicles under the specification “Customizable” here: https://avmg.eu/index.php?faq-…d-deren-f%C3%A4higkeiten/

You can open the Pylon Manager at all hangars (also available for your own territory) via the scroll-down menu.

Why is the image blurred in some vehicles?

This is a known bug, especially in RHS vehicles. Mostly Russian T-tanks are affected, but also helicopters.

The problem can be solved by setting the graphics settings PiP (Picture in Picture) to Very High or Ultra.

Why does my backpack disappear when using a parachute?

Due to the physics in Arma 3, any use of the parachute, e.g. replacing in inventory or catapulting out of an aircraft, will cause the backpack to disappear or be deleted. We therefore advise against carrying a backpack in aircraft. If the backpack is lost due to something like this, it will not be replaced.

What happens if I commit a rule violation with the artillery/warship?

First of all, we would like to point out that any violation of the rules will be punished.

Since this is a high-value vehicle, we have to differentiate to what extent previous rule violations influence the punishment.

Generally, we give a warning for the first offence. In case of a second offence, the vehicle will be deleted after consultation with a higher team member. If there is another offence after that, a ban on using that vehicle will be issued.

Tips and Tricks

- parking on objects is dangerous as there is a very high chance that the vehicle will explode

- you can use a defibrillator to resuscitate your friends, which saves time

- vehicles can be spawned via the XM8 for a low cost; you will also need Duct Tape

- for Radioactive Zone Missions you need a full Hazmat Suit (Contact DLC may be required)

- use your environment to craft things

- the most powerful helicopters can also lift tanks; to prevent bugs, the pilot must be the last driver of the lifted vehicle

- a large number of vehicles can be crafted via the CDAH Vehicle Crafting Terminal

- when crafting, the Tempest (Device) can be used to load certain items directly

- Flares in the helicopter can be used by pressing the C key (or CTRL + C)

- vehicles without PIN can be claimed with a Code Lock

- you can plant certain plants by placing seeds like objects

- in Fishing Zones you can go fishing with a boat

- at certain zones on the beach you can craft sandbags

How is the Farm Management System working?

All over the map you can find seeds. You can also find them in Gear Crates, Ship Wrecks and DMS Missions.

When you have found seeds, you can plant them via double click in your territory. You can plant a maximum of 10 plants per species, depending on the territory level. The following levels are needed:

Base Level 1 - 4: One Plant

Base Level 5 - 9: Two Plants

Base Level 10 - 14: Three Plants

Base Level 15 - 19: Four Plants

Base Level 20 - 25: Five Plants

Base Level 26: Six Plants

Base Level 27: Seven Plants

Base Level 28: Eight Plants

Base Level 29: Nine Plants

Base Level 30: Ten Plants

Every plant need to be irrigated and fertilized. You can do both 30 times, but only once per server period. When you plant the seeds, the plant needs at least 5 days to grow. So after 5 days you can harvest it. The more you water and fertilize it, the more it returns when harvested. For every activity you need a tractor. You can check the status of your plants in the XM8 Commander.

The maximum amount of returns is 15 items per plant.

For irrigating you need a Water Canister with Fresh Water or a Bottle of Fresh Water.

Organic Fertilizer can be crafted from: Rotten Item/Meat/Fish (+1 Fertilization level)

Chemical Fertilizer can be crafted from: Rotten Item/Meat/Fish + Gun Powder (+ 2 Fertilization level)

You can craft the Fertilizer with a Empty Food Canister you can buy. The rotten fruits can be found everywhere on the map and also on DMS Missions. Gun Powder can be mined.

A water pump ("Water Pump") can be used to irrigate several plants in the immediate vicinity. The Composter can be used craft raw meat and/or vegetables/fruit in Fertilizer. Note that no Chemical Fertilizer is produced here.

A Composter can be used to convert fruit into rotten fruit (Rotten Item). The Composter can also be used to produce Fertilizer with the corresponding items in the Composter. This is always done at the start of the server.

Some plants give rotten fruits when harvested. The probability is 1:1.

The selling price for drugs per plant is at least 35,000 Poptabs, depending on the skill up to 500,000 Poptabs.

How much respect do you need for the respect levels?

Level 1: 0

Level 2: 3.125

Level 3: 6.250

Level 4: 12.500

Level 5: 25.000

Level 6: 50.000

Level 7: 75.000

Level 8: 100.000

Level 9: 125.000

Level 10: 150.000

Level 11: 175.000

Level 12: 200.000

Level 13: 250.000

Level 14: 300.000

Level 15: 500.000

Level 16: 1.000.000

Level 17: 1.250.000

Level 18: 1.500.000

Level 19: 1.750.000

Level 20: 2.000.000

Level 21: 2.500.000

Level 22: 3.000.000

Level 23: 3.500.000

Level 24: 4.000.000

Level 25: 5.000.000

How much does an upgrade of the Trader Virtual Garage cost?
Amount of Vehicles
Upgrade Cost
Level 1
5 Vehicles
Level 2
10 Vehicles 150.000 Poptabs
Level 3
15 Vehicles
225.000 Poptabs
Level 4
20 Vehicles
300.000 Poptabs
Level 5
25 Vehicles
375.000 Poptabs
Level 6
30 Vehicles
450.000 Poptabs
Level 7
35 Vehicles
525.000 Poptabs
Level 8
40 Vehicles
600.000 Poptabs
Level 9
45 Vehicles
675.000 Poptabs
Level 10
50 Vehicles
750.000 Poptabs
What are the skill levels?

There is a maximum of 10 skill levels. The skills are calculated 100*level. This means that you have to do 1000 activities in one area to get level 10.

Depending on the level, there is a multiplier in the earnings. This is 0.25 + level. This means that at level 10 you have a multiplier of 2. This means that depending on the activity, there is a chance of better items or the output is doubled. The maximum reachable amount of skill points is 999.999.

Technically there is no level limit, but it requires 10 level to reach the maximum output of earnings for the specific activity. Some activity can unlock special rewards at higher levels.

Currently you get for 1 skill point 1 Poptab per hourly through Wages. For the following exceptions you get for 10 skill points 1 Poptab:

- Fishing

- Harvesting

- Mining

- Butcher

An explanation of the specific earnings can be found in the FAQ article on the activity, if available.

There are skill levels for the following activities, and skill points are also shown for each.

  1. Fishing
    1. Fishing from a boat
  2. Sand Bags
    1. Crafting sandbags
  3. Salvaging
    1. Salvaging of vehicles
  4. Harvesting
    1. Water plants
    2. Fertilize plants
    3. Harvest plants
  5. Metal Processing
    1. Recovery of metal through scrap and containers
  6. Mining
    1. Mining of stones in the quarry
  7. Butcher
    1. Give food and water to animals
    2. Gut animals
  8. Wood Chopping
    1. Chopping trees
  9. Robbery
    1. Robbing ATM
How is Vehicle Crafting working?

A good alternative to buying vehicles is to craft them. To craft vehicles you need your own territory, alternatively building rights are also sufficient. The most important tool is the "Vehicle Crafting Terminal", which you can use to craft vehicles. You also need a "Vehicle Crafting Crate" in which you put the items for crafting the vehicles.

You can view all the requirements you need to craft a specific vehicle directly in the "Vehicle Crafting Terminal".

Note that the "Vehicle Crafting Crate" is emptied. Only tools remain in the crate. Crafted vehicles automatically go into the Refund Queue.

For some vehicles you need a specific Base Level. You can find this in the "Vehicle Crafting Terminal".

How is fishing working?

Fishing is one of the simplest activities. But how does it work?

- to be able to fish you need a Fishing Boat

- you can buy the boat for level 1 from the Trader

- You get boats for level 2 and 10 automatically when you level up

- after level 10 you automatically get a new boat (until level 100)

- you can fish using the XM8 or via the scroll wheel

- Fishing is only possible in the authorised zones


- the net is temporarily removed from the inventory when you call it out

- after you have had to wait a few seconds, either your net is lost or you retrieve it (= it is added to your inventory)

- the chance of losing the net depends on the skill

- you can either get fish or any other rubbish you can find in the ocean

- the chance of getting a Rubber Duck increases with each level

- your catch is automatically added to your boat; when your boat is full, the catch is released again

- you have to wait 30 seconds between each time; the time decreases by 2 seconds with each level (i.e. down to 10 seconds)

Why is there no spawning Roaming AI?

The roaming AI only spawns up to a player count of 15 players. After that, the spawn is deactivated on the script side to save resources on the server. However, existing roaming AI will continue to be processed on the server.

How is the ATM Robbery working?

ATMs spawn on all servers. The spawn of these machines is always randomised (= not always in the same position). You can break open the machines with a crowbar. The crowbar will break in the process. The amount you get depends on your Robbery Skill. Vending machines can be used outside the safe zone to transfer money. You will need a credit card for this.

- each robbery guarantees you at least 25,000 Poptabs and 2,500 Respect

- with each skill level the guaranteed amount of Poptabs increases by 10%, so you can get up to 25,000 Poptabs and 2,500 Respect extra

- with each skill point you receive an additional 35 Poptabs and 10 Respect, so you can get up to 35,000 Poptabs and 10,000 Respect

- as your skill level increases, the chance of getting up to 75,000 additional Poptabs and 7,500 Respect increases

- you can also randomly receive up to 100,000 Poptabs and 10,000 Respect by increasing your skill level

- with a certain percentage you have the chance that the Crowbar will not break

ATMs can be located with Radio Service Vehicle/Backpacks.

How is the Keyvault working?

Keyvaults (containers) spawn at certain positions on the map. To get into these you need a keycard. There are 6 different keyvaults, and therefore also keycards. Each level (Zeta to Alpha) results in better loot. The keyvault can only be opened once per server period.

The following drops appear in Keyvaults:
- Rubber Ducks (2 * level)
- Vehicle crafting items (5 * level)
- Money (37500 * level)
- Weapons (only one weapon per vault and a couple of random magazines)
- Special clothing (only one item per Vault)

- Keycards, Police Safe Keys and Construction Supply Cards

With every Keyvault, you opened, you will get Respect (1.250 * Level).

Keyvaults can be located with Radio Service Vehicle/Backpacks.

How is the One Man Tank working?

Via scroll menu you can add AI to the driver seat of the vehicle. How it works exactly:

- AI can only be added when: no driver, player is in a group (party), system not activated on the vehicle

- will be removed when: player dies, AI dies, player gets out of vehicle, vehicle gets destroyed, player disconnects

- the activation costs 5000 Poptabs

Why can't I connect the drone with the terminal?

In order for a drone to be connected to the terminal, the player must act as the "owner" of the drone. The following actions make this possible:

- attach the drone to another vehicle (tow system)

- put the drone in the virtual garage (if Trader does not work, use the base)

- hack the drone (activate the Hack Drone system via the XM8)

List of special vehicles and their special abilities

Rubber Duck Fahrzeuge mit Speziallackierungen (mit dem Prefix "Special") haben eine erhöhte Kapazität (Basiswert * 5), Panzerung (Basiswert * 2) sowie eine erhöhte Endgeschwindigkeit.

Kategorie Trader / Crafting Name Kapazität Panzerung Spezialisierung
APC Medium Armed (Vanilla)
Crafting AMV-7 Marshall (50 mm) 15000 320 Autocannon 50 mm
Coaxial MG 7.62 mm
APC Heavy Armed (CUP)
Crafting BTR-90 (Experimental) 25000 500 AGS-17
Active Protection System
Faster Reload of Main Gun
Increased armor
IFV Medium Armed (Vanilla)
Crafting BTR-K Kamysh (MK 20) 15000 500 MK20
Titan AT
IFV Medium Armed (Vanilla)
Daily Reward FV-720 Mora (MCSP)
15000 2000 Cannon 40 mm
Coaxial MG 7.62 mm
IFV Medium Armed (BWA)
Crafting IFV Puma (Reinforced)
15000 1800 Increased armor
IFV Heavy Armed (Vanilla)
Crafting AFV-4 Gorgon (SHORAD) 15000 480 Slat armor
AGM-114L Hellfire II
IFV Heavy Armed (RHS)
Crafting T-15 15000 500 Active Protection System
IFV Heavy Armed (RHS)
Crafting T-15 (2A72) 15000 500 2A72
Active Protection System
IFV Heavy Armed (BWA)
Crafting IFV Puma (Next Gen)
15000 1800 40mm CTWS
SPG AA (Vanilla)
Crafting IFV-6a Cheetah (35mm)
ZSU-39 Tigris (35mm)
15000 1000 35mm KDA L/90
SPG AA (Vanilla)
Crafting IFV-6a Cheetah (AT)
ZSU-39 Tigris (AT)
15000 1000 AT
Bunker Buster
SPG AA (Vanilla) Crafting IFV-6a Cheetah (35mm/AT)
ZSU-39 Tigris (35mm/AT)
15000 1000 35mm KDA L/90
Bunker Buster
SPG AA (Vanilla)
Daily Reward
Gepard 2A7X 3000 500 35 mm KDA/L90
Titan AA
Bunker Buster
Daily Reward ZSU-23-4M3 15000 275 AZP-23 AP & HE
Cannon Artillery Trader 2S9 Sochor (Conventional)
3000 425 HE, Smoke, Illum
Cannon Artillery
Trader M4 Scorcher (Conventional)
3000 900 HE, Smoke, Illum
Cannon Artillery
Trader M109A6 (Conventional)
3000 200 HE, Smoke, Illum
Rocket Artillery
Trader M142 GRAD 3000 200 HE
Car Heavy Armed (Vanilla)
Daily Reward M1097 (Avenger Enhanced) 12500 150 M2 CSAMM
Titan Missile
Helicopter Medium Armed (RHS)
Crafting AH-6M Little Bird (M621/GAU-19)
5000 35 M621
Helicopter Medium Armed (RHS)
Crafting AH-6M Little Bird (M621/Hydra) 5000 35 M621
M229 Hydra
Helicopter Medium Armed (RHS)
Crafting AH-6M Little Bird (Hydra/GAU-19) 5000 35 M229 Hydra
Helicopter Medium Armed (RHS) April Fools' Event
Mi-28N (April Fools' Day) 2000 60 FAB-250
Helicopter Medium Armed (CUP)
Crafting AH-6J (M621)
5000 50 M621
Helicopter Medium Armed (CUP) Crafting AH-6J (Hydra/M230)
5000 50 M229 Hydra
Helicopter Medium Armed (CUP) Crafting AW159 Wildcat (Black Cat) (M621)
5000 60 M621
Helicopter Heavy Armed (Vanilla)
Crafting AH-99 Blackfoot (Heavy, DAGR/ASRAAM)
40 30mm
Helicopter Heavy Armed (Vanilla) Crafting AH-99 Blackfoot (Heavy)
40 30mm
AGM-114K Hellfire II
Helicopter Heavy Armed (Vanilla) Crafting AH-99X Blackfoot (Blackout)
40 30mm
Minigun 20mm
Cannon 105mm
Minigun 20mm
Cannon 40mm
Helicopter Heavy Armed (Vanilla) Crafting AH-99X Blackfoot (Experimental)
40 35mm KDA L/90
AGM-114L Hellfire II
Helicopter Heavy Armed (Vanilla) Crafting Mi-48X Kajman (Blackout)
10000 60 Cannon Caseless 30mm
Cannon 105mm
Minigun 20mm
Cannon 40mm
Minigun 30mm
Skalpel ATGM
Helicopter Heavy Armed (Vanilla) Crafting Mi-48 Kajman (Heavy)
10000 60 Cannon Caseless 30mm
Helicopter Heavy Armed (Vanilla) Crafting AH-99 Blackout (Dynamic Loadout)
5000 40 Customizable
Helicopter Heavy Armed (Vanilla) Crafting AH-9 Pawnee (Dynamic Loadout)
5000 30 Customizable
Helicopter Heavy Armed (Vanilla) Crafting Mi-48 Kajman (Dynamic Loadout)
10000 60 Customizable
Helicopter Heavy Armed (Vanilla) Crafting PO-30 Orca (Dynamic Loadout)
15000 40 Customizable
Helicopter Heavy Armed (Vanilla) Crafting WY-55 Hellcat (Dynamic Loadout)
10000 40 Customizable
Helicopter Heavy Armed (Vanilla)
Crafting Mi-48X Experimental Kajman 10000 60 35 mm KDA L/90
AGM-114L Hellfire II
Helicopter Heavy Armed (RHS)
Crafting AH-64D (DAGR) 5000
40 AIM-9X
AGM-114K Hellfire II
AGM-114L Hellfire II
Helicopter Heavy Armed (RHS) Crafting Mi-8AMTSH (S-8DF)
17500 40 S-8 DF
Helicopter Heavy Armed (RHS) Crafting Mi-28N (Heavy 1)
10000 60 S-5 M1
Helicopter Heavy Armed (RHS) Crafting Ka-52 (Dynamic Loadout)
10000 45 Customizable
Helicopter Heavy Armed (RHS) Crafting Mi-24P (Dynamic Loadout) 10000 50 Customizable
Helicopter Heavy Armed (RHS) Crafting Mi-24V (Dynamic Loadout)
10000 50 Customizable
Helicopter Heavy Armed (RHS) Crafting Mi-28N (Dynamic Loadout)
10000 60 Customizable
Helicopter Heavy Armed (RHS) Crafting Mi-8MTV-3 (Dynamic Loadout)
17500 40 Customizable
Helicopter Heavy Armed (RHS) Crafting Mi-8MTV-3 (Heavy) (Dynamic Loadout)
17500 40 Customizable
Helicopter Heavy Armed (RHS) Crafting Mi-28N (Vikhr)
10000 60 Laser Marker
9M127 Vikhr
Helicopter Heavy Armed (RHS) Crafting Mi-28N (Heavy 2)
10000 60 Laser Marker
Helicopter Heavy Armed (BWA3)
Crafting UH Tiger (Dynamic Loadout)
5000 40 Customizable
Helicopter Heavy Armed (BWA3) Crafting UH Tiger RMK (Dynamic Loadout)
5000 40 Customizable
Helicopter Heavy Armed (CUP)
Crafting Ka-50X Black Shark (Blackout) 15000 70 2A42
Cannon 105mm
Minigun 20mm
Cannon 40mm
Minigun 30mm
9M127 Vikhr
Helicopter Heavy Armed (CUP) Crafting CH-146 Griffon (Dynamic Loadout)
21546.6 50 Customizable
Helicopter Heavy Armed (CUP) Crafting Ka-50 Black Shark (Dynamic Loadout)
5000 70 Customizable
Helicopter Heavy Armed (CUP) Crafting AH-64 (Dynamic Loadout)
5000 60 Customizable
Helicopter Heavy Armed (CUP) Crafting AH-64D (Dynamic Loadout)
5000 60 Customizable
Helicopter Heavy Armed (CUP) Crafting Mi-24P (Dynamic Loadout) 5000 60 Customizable
Helicopter Heavy Armed (CUP) Crafting Mi-24V (Dynamic Loadout)
5000 60 Customizable
Helicopter Heavy Armed (CUP)
Crafting AH-64D (DAGR) 15000 60 AIM-9X
AGM-114K Hellfire II
AGM-114L Hellfire II
Planes Medium Armed (RHS) Crafting C-130J (Heavy Bomber) 75000 250 FAB-500
Planes Heavy Armed (Vanilla)
Crafting To-201 Shikra (Heavy)
5000 65 GSh Cannon 30mm
R77 Adder
KAB 250
R73 Archer
Grey Hex Livery
Planes Heavy Armed (Vanilla) Crafting A-164 Wipeout (Heavy CAS)
5000 80 Minigun 30mm
AGM-114K Hellfire II
GBU 12
Planes Heavy Armed (Vanilla) Crafting F/A-181 Black Wasp II (Heavy)
5000 60 M61 Minigun 20mm
GBU 12
Small Diameter Bomb
Dark Grey Livery
Planes Heavy Armed (Vanilla) Crafting Y-32 Xi'an (Vehicle Transport) (Skyfire)
15000 100 Cannon Caseless 30mm
Planes Heavy Armed (Vanilla) Crafting Y-32 Xi'an (Vehicle Transport) (Skyfire/KAB-250L)
15000 100 Cannon Caseless 30mm
Planes Heavy Armed (Vanilla) Crafting Y-32 Xi'an (Vehicle Transport) (KAB-250L)
15000 100 Cannon Caseless 30mm
Planes Heavy Armed (Vanilla) Crafting To-201X Shikra (Experimental)
5000 65 GAU-8/A Avenger
GBU 12
Grey Hex Livery
Planes Heavy Armed (Vanilla) Crafting A-164X Wipeout (Experimental)
5000 80 Minigun 30mm
9M127 Vikhr
GBU 12
Planes Heavy Armed (Vanilla) Crafting Y-32 Xi'an (Vehicle Transport) (Experimental)
15000 100 M229 HEPD
Minigun 20mm
Planes Heavy Armed (Vanilla) Crafting A-149 Gryphon (Heavy)
5000 60 M61 Minigun 20mm
Grey Livery
Planes Heavy Armed (Vanilla) Crafting A-149 Gryphon (Heavy Two)
5000 60 M61 Minigun 20mm
Grey Livery
Planes Heavy Armed (Vanilla) Crafting Y-32X 'Dragoon'
15000 100 AGM-114K Hellfire II
35mm KDA L/90
Special Dragoon Livery
Planes Heavy Armed (Vanilla) Crafting A-143 Buzzard (Dynamic Loadout)
5000 55 Customizable
Planes Heavy Armed (Vanilla) Crafting A-164 Wipeout (Dynamic Loadout)
5000 80 Customizable
Planes Heavy Armed (Vanilla) Crafting To-199 Neophron (Dynamic Loadout)
5000 80 Customizable
Planes Heavy Armed (Vanilla) Crafting Y-32 Xi'an (Infantry Transport) (Dynamic Loadout)
15000 100 Customizable
Planes Heavy Armed (Vanilla) Crafting Y-32 Xi'an (Vehicle Transport) (Dynamic Loadout)
15000 100 Customizable
Planes Heavy Armed (Vanilla) Crafting A-149 Gryphon (Dynamic Loadout)
5000 60 Customizable
Planes Heavy Armed (Vanilla) Crafting F/A-181 Black Wasp II (Dynamic Loadout)
5000 60 Customizable
Planes Heavy Armed (Vanilla) Crafting To-201 Shikra (Dynamic Loadout)
5000 65 Customizable
Planes Heavy Armed (Vanilla)
Crafting A-143 Buzzard (CAS, 35mm)
55 Twin Cannon 35mm
Skalpel ATGM
Planes Heavy Armed (Vanilla)
Crafting V-44 X Experimental 15000 400 GAU-12/U
Bofors 40mm L/60
M102 Howitzer
Increased armor
Planes Heavy Armed (RHS)
Crafting MiG-29SM (Heavy CAS)
5000 60 GSh-30-1
Grey Livery
Planes Heavy Armed (RHS) Crafting F-22A (Ground-Attack)
5000 80 M61A2
Planes Heavy Armed (RHS) Crafting Su-25 (KAB-500L)
5000 60 GSh-30-2
CDF Livery
Planes Heavy Armed (RHS) Crafting A-29 Super Tucano (Mk82)
5000 55 M3 HMG
Mk 82
Planes Heavy Armed (RHS) Crafting T-50 obr. 2011 (Ground-Attack)
5000 80 GSh-30-1
Grey Livery
Planes Heavy Armed (RHS) Crafting T-50 obr. 2011 (Heavy)
5000 80 GSh-30-1
Grey Livery
Planes Heavy Armed (RHS) Crafting A-29X Experimental Tucano (MG3 BWA3)
5000 55 MG3 (BW Mod)
Mk 82
Planes Heavy Armed (RHS) Crafting Su-25X Experimental
5000 60 2A42
S-5 KO
Planes Heavy Armed (RHS) Crafting A-29X Experimental Tucano (M3)
5000 55 M3
Mk 82
Planes Heavy Armed (RHS) Crafting A-29V(B) Vintage Tucano (Stab III/SG77)
5000 55 MG 3 (Redd'n'Tanks)
Mk 82
Special Stab II/SG77 Livery
Planes Heavy Armed (RHS) Crafting A-29X Experimental Tucano (GBU-12/GBU-28)
5000 55 M3
Ecuador Airforce Livery
Planes Heavy Armed (RHS) Crafting A-29X Experimental Tucano (MG3 RNT)
5000 55 MG 3 (Redd'n'Tanks)
Mk 82
Planes Heavy Armed (RHS) Crafting A-29V(F) Vintage Tucano (Stab III/SG77) 5000 55 MG 3 (Redd'n'Tanks)
Planes Heavy Armed (RHS) Crafting MiG-29A (Product 9.12A) (Luftwaffe, NVA)
5000 60 NVA Livery
Planes Heavy Armed (RHS) Crafting MiG-29G (Luftwaffe, Bundeswehr)
5000 60 Bundeswehr Livery
Planes Heavy Armed (RHS) Crafting F-22A (Dynamic Loadout)
5000 80 Customizable
Planes Heavy Armed (RHS) Crafting A-10A (Dynamic Loadout) 5000 60 Customizable
Planes Heavy Armed (RHS) Crafting Su-25 (Dynamic Loadout)
5000 60 Customizable
Planes Heavy Armed (RHS) Crafting T-50 obr. 2011 (Dynamic Loadout)
5000 80 Customizable
Planes Heavy Armed (RHS) Crafting T-50 obr. 2011 (External Pylons) (Dynamic Loadout)
5000 80 Customizable
Planes Heavy Armed (RHS) Crafting MiG-29S (Dynamic Loadout)
5000 60 Customizable
Planes Heavy Armed (RHS) Crafting MiG-29SM (Dynamic Loadout)
5000 60 Customizable
Planes Heavy Armed (RHS) Crafting A-29 Super Tucano (Dynamic Loadout) 5000 55 Customizable
Planes Heavy Armed (RHS)
Crafting MiG-29A (Sily Powietrzne) 5000 60 Polish Airforce Livery
Planes Heavy Armed (RHS) Event A-29V(B) Vintage Tucano (Kwak-Kwak-Klan)
5000 55 MG 3 (Redd'n'Tanks)
Mk 82
Special Stab II/SG77 Livery
Planes Heavy Armed (RHS) Event A-29V(F) Vintage Tucano (Kwak-Kwak-Klan) 5000 55 MG 3 (Redd'n'Tanks)
Planes Heavy Armed (CUP)
Crafting Su-25T Frogfoot (GSh-23L)
5000 75 GSh-30-2K 30mm Cannon
R-73 Vympel
Planes Heavy Armed (CUP) Crafting A-10A Thunderbolt II (Mk82)
5000 80 GAU-8/A Avenger
Mk 82
Grey Shark Livery
Planes Heavy Armed (CUP) Crafting AC-47X Experimental Spooky
12500 50 M134
Cannon 105mm
Minigun 20mm
Cannon 40mm
Planes Heavy Armed (CUP) Crafting F-35X Lightning III (Experimental)
5000 80 35mm KDA L/90
9M127 Vikhr
AGM-114L Hellfire II
GBU 12
Planes Heavy Armed (CUP) Crafting A-10A Thunderbolt II (FAB-100)
5000 80 GAU-8/A Avenger
Planes Heavy Armed (CUP) Crafting A-10A Thunderbolt II (Dynamic Loadout)
5000 80 Customizable
Planes Heavy Armed (CUP) Crafting AV-8B Harrier II (Dynamic Loadout)
5000 60 Customizable
Planes Heavy Armed (CUP) Crafting Su-25T Frogfoot (Dynamic Loadout)
5000 75 Customizable
Planes Heavy Armed (CUP) Crafting Su-34 (Dynamic Loadout)
5000 60 Customizable
Planes Heavy Armed (CUP) Crafting F-35B Lightning II (Dynamic Loadout) 5000 80 Customizable
Planes Heavy Armed (CUP) Crafting F-35B Lightning II (Stealth) (Dynamic Loadout)
5000 80 Customizable
Planes Heavy Armed (CUP) Crafting T-41 Mescalero (Dynamic Loadout)
5000 25 Customizable
Planes Heavy Armed (USAF)
Crafting A-10C Thunderbolt II
0 135 Customizable
Planes Heavy Armed (USAF) Crafting F-22A Raptor (Heavy) 0 80 Customizable
Planes Heavy Armed (USAF) Crafting F-22A Raptor (EWP-AA)
0 80 Customizable
Planes Heavy Armed (USAF) Crafting F-22A Raptor (EWP-AG) 0 80 Customizable
Planes Heavy Armed (USAF) Crafting F-35A Lightning II (Heavy)
500 90 Customizable
Planes Heavy Armed (USAF) Crafting F-35A Lightning II (Stealth) 500 90 Customizable
Planes Heavy Armed (USAF) Crafting F-35A Lightning II (Light) 500 90 Customizable
Planes Heavy Armed (USAF) Trader AC-130U Spooky II
500 150 GAU-12/U
Bofors 40mm L/60
M102 Howitzer
Customizable Livery
Planes Heavy Armed (USAF) Crafting F-22A Raptor
0 80 Customizable
Planes Heavy Armed (USAF) Trader AC-130H Spectre 500 150 M168 Vulcan
Bofors 40mm L/60
M102 Howitzer
Customizable Livery
Planes Heavy Armed (USAF) Trader AC-130J Ghostrider
500 150 25mm M242
M102 Howitzer
Customizable Livery
Planes Heavy Armed (USAF)
Crafting F/A-181 Black Wasp II (USAF)
500 60 Customizable
Planes Heavy Armed (USAF)
Crafting F/A-181 Black Wasp II (Stealth) (USAF) 500 60 Customizable
Planes Heavy Armed (JS) Crafting Su-35 Flanker E
500 80 Customizable
Planes Heavy Armed (FIR)
Crafting F-14A Tomcat
500 100 Customizable
Planes Heavy Armed (FIR) Crafting F-14B Tomcat 500 100 Customizable
Planes Heavy Armed (FIR) Crafting F-14D Tomcat 500 100 Customizable
Planes Heavy Armed (FIR) Crafting F-15C Eagle
500 100 Customizable
Planes Heavy Armed (FIR) Crafting F-15D Eagle 500 100 Customizable
Planes Heavy Armed (FIR) Crafting F-15DJ Eagle
500 100 Customizable
Planes Heavy Armed (FIR) Crafting F-15E Strike Eagle
500 100 Customizable
Planes Heavy Armed (FIR) Crafting F-15EX Eagle II
500 100 Customizable
Planes Heavy Armed (FIR) Crafting F-15J Eagle (IRST)
500 100 Customizable
Planes Heavy Armed (FIR) Crafting F-15K Slam Eagle (2nd FX) 500 100 Customizable
Planes Heavy Armed (FIR) Crafting F-15SE Silent Eagle
500 100 Customizable
Planes Heavy Armed (FIR) Crafting F-16C Fighting Falcon
500 100 Customizable
Planes Heavy Armed (FIR) Crafting F-16D Fighting Falcon
500 100 Customizable
Planes Heavy Armed (FIR) Crafting F/A-18C Hornet
500 100 Customizable
Planes Heavy Armed (FIR) Crafting F/A-18D Hornet
500 100 Customizable
Planes Heavy Armed (FIR) Crafting F/A-18E Super Hornet 500 100 Customizable
Planes Heavy Armed (FIR) Crafting F/A-18F Super Hornet
500 100 Customizable
Planes Heavy Armed (FIR) Crafting Tornado IDS
500 100 Customizable
Planes Heavy Armed (FIR) Crafting Tornado ECR
500 100 Customizable
Planes Heavy Armed (FIR) Crafting Tornado ADV
500 100 Customizable
Tanks Medium Armed (Vanilla)
Crafting AWC 301 Nyx (Experimental) 4500 150 Camo net
Faster Reload Configuration
Active Protection System
Tanks Medium Armed (Vanilla) Daily Reward Wiesel 2 (MK 20)
4500 150 Camo net
MK 20
Tanks Medium Armed (Vanilla) Daily Reward Wiesel 2 (TOW)
4500 150 Camo net
BGM-71 TOW Launcher
Tanks Medium Armed (Vanilla) Daily Reward Wiesel 2 (AA)
4500 150 Camo net
FIM-92F Stinger
Tanks Heavy Armed (Vanilla)
Crafting T-140X Experimental Angara I
15000 700 Camo net
Coaxial MG 7.62mm
RCWS HMG 12.7mm
NSVT-M HMG 12.7mm
Faster Reload Configuration
Tanks Heavy Armed (Vanilla) Crafting T-140KX Experimental Angara I
15000 700 Camo net
Coaxial MG 7.62mm
CTWS Cannon 30mm
NSVT-M HMG 12.7mm
Faster Reload Configuration
Tanks Heavy Armed (Vanilla) Crafting T-140K Angara (35mm)
15000 700 Cannon 125mm
Coaxial MG 7.62mm
35mm KDA L/90
Tanks Heavy Armed (Vanilla) Crafting T-100 Varsuk (GAU-19) (Grey)
15000 850 Cannon 125mm
Coaxial MG 7.62mm
Tanks Heavy Armed (Vanilla) Crafting M2A1X Experimental Slammer
15000 900 Cannon 120 mm
SPMG .338
Titan Missile (AT)
Laser Designator
Active Protection System
Tanks Heavy Armed (Vanilla) Crafting M2A4X Experimental Slammer UP
15000 900 RCWS HMG 12.7 mm
Cannon 120 mm
SPMG .338
Titan Missile (AT)
Laser Designator
Active Protection System
Tanks Heavy Armed (Vanilla) Crafting T-100X Experimental Varsuk
15000 850 NSVT-M HMG 12.7 mm
Cannon 125 mm
Minigun 6.5 mm
9M135 Vorona (HEAT)
Laser Designator
Active Protection System
Tanks Heavy Armed (Vanilla) Crafting T-140X Experimental Angara II
15000 700 RCWS HMG 12.7 mm
Cannon 125 mm
Minigun 6.5 mm
9M135 Vorona (HEAT)
Laser Designator
Active Protection System
Tanks Heavy Armed (Vanilla) Crafting T-140KX Experimental Angara II
15000 700 CTWS Cannon 30 mm
Cannon 125 mm
Minigun 6.5 mm
9M135 Vorona (HEAT)
Laser Designator
Active Protection System
Tanks Heavy Armed (Vanilla) Christmas Event 2024
Leopard 2 Revolution 15000 800 L/55
7.62 mm Coaxial
RCWS HMG 12.7 mm
Active Protection System
Tanks Heavy Armed (RHS)
Crafting M1A2SEPv1 (TUSK II) (HE-FRAG)
15000 600 M240
120 mm M256A1
White Thermal
Tanks Heavy Armed (CUP) Crafting M1A2SEPv3 (TUSK II) (HE-FRAG)
12500 900 M240
M256 Cannon 120mm
2A82-1M (HE-FRAG)
Tanks Heavy Armed (CUP) Crafting Leopard 1A3 (HE)
12500 400 Cannon 105 mm (+ HE)
Tanks Heavy Armed (CUP) Crafting T-90M Proryv-3 (RHS)
12500 700 2A46M-5 (RHS)
Tanks Heavy Armed (CUP) Crafting T-90MS Tagil (RHS)
12500 700 2A46M-5 (RHS)
Tanks Heavy Armed (QAV)
Crafting Challenger 2 (HE-FRAG)
15000 800 120 mm L30A1
7.62 L94A1 Coax
7.62 GPMG Swing
Tanks Heavy Armed (QAV) Crafting AbramsX (HE-FRAG)
15000 600 Laser Marker
M360 120 mm
.338 SIG MG338 Coax
M914 30 mm
Tanks Heavy Armed (QAV) Crafting Challenger 2E (HE-FRAG)
15000 600 120mm L30A1
7.62 L94A1 Coax
12.7 mm M2HB
UAV Crafting K40 Ababil-3 (Hellfire)
250 20 AGM-114N Hellfire II
UAV Crafting MQ-12 Falcon (20mm)
0 25 Minigun 20mm
UAV Crafting UCAV Sentinel (Hellfire) 0 50 AGM-114L Hellfire II
UAV Crafting UCAV Sentinel (GBU-12)
0 50 GBU 12
UAV Crafting UCAV Sentinel (Vikhr)
0 50 9M127 Vikhr
UAV Crafting UCAC Sentinel (KAB-500L) 0 50 KAB-500L
UAV Crafting MQ-12 Falcon (35mm)
0 25 35mm KDA L/90
UAV Crafting MQ-4A Greyhawk (Dynamic Loadout)
5000 20 Customizable
UAV Crafting K40 Ababil-3 (Dynamic Loadout)
5000 20 Customizable
UAV Crafting MQ-12 Falcon (Dynamic Loadout)
5000 25 Customizable
List of "Advanced" weapons and their special abilities

Every weapon can load their standard magazines. Magazines for special weapons can be bought at Black Market Trader.

Name Mod Special ability
M320 LRR Advanced
M320 LRR Advanced (Camo)
M320 LRR Advanced (Tropic)
Vanilla Extended ammo count
Optional silencer
KSVK Advanced
Exile Mod Extended ammo count
HE magazines
M107 Advanced (Black)
M107 Advanced (Desert)
M107 Advanced (Woodland)
M107 Advanced (Woodland)
Red Hammer Studios Extended ammo count
APDS magazines
GM6 Lynx Advanced 12.7mm (Black)
GM6 Lynx Advanced 12.7mm (Hex)
GM6 Lynx Advanced 12.7mm (Green Hex)
Vanilla Extended ammo count
HE magazines
Navid 9.3mm Advanced (Hex)
Navid 9.3mm Advanded-X (Hex)
Navid 9.3mm Advanced (Tan)
Navid 9.3mm Advanded-X (Tan)
Vanilla Extended ammo count

Only for X variants:
Higher recoil
Slower ROF
Removed silencer
HE & APDS magazines
SPMG .338 Advanded (Black)
SPMG .338 Advanced-X (Black)
SPMG .338 Advanded (MTP)
SPMG .338 Advanded-X (MTP)
SPMG .338 Advanced (Sand)
SPMG .338 Advancded-X (Sand)
Vanilla Extended ammo count

Only for X variants:
Higher recoil
Slower ROF
Removed silencer
HE & APDS magazines
G82 Advanced
Bundeswehr Mod Extended ammo count
AS50 Advanced (Black)
Community Upgrade Project Extended ammo count
HE & APDS magazines
KSVK Advanced (Black)
Community Upgrade Project Extended ammo count
HE & APDS magazines
M107 Advanced (Black)
M107 Advanced (Dark Grey)
M107 Advanced (Desert)
M107 Advanced (Winter)
M107 Advanced (Woodland)
Community Upgrade Project Extended ammo count
T-5000 Advanced
Red Hammer Studios Extended ammo count
MAR-10 .338 Advanced (Black)
MAR-10 .338 Advanced (Camo)
MAR-10 .338 Advanced (Sand)
Vanilla Extended ammo count
Type 115 6.5 mm Advanced (Black)
Type 115 6.5 mm Advanced (Green Hex)
Type 115 6.5 mm Advanced (Brown Hex)
Vanilla HE, APDS & Slug under barrel rounds
Special 20Rnd magazine with better stats
KSVK Advanced X-I
Community Upgrade Project 30x173 mm rounds
HE & APDS magazines
KSVK Adanced X-II
Community Upgrade Project 35x228 mm rounds
HE & APDS magazines
ASP-1 Kir 12.7 mm Advanced (Black)
ASP-1 Kir 12.7 mm ADvanced (Tan)
Vanilla Extended ammo count
Cyrus 9.3 mm Advanced (Black)
Cyrus 9.3 mm Advanced (Hex)
Cyrus 9.3 mm Advanced (Tan)
Vanilla Extended ammo count
Zafir 7.62 mm Advanced
Zafir 7.62 mm Advanced X
Vanilla Extended ammo count

Only for non-X variants:
Optional silencer

Only for X variants:
Higher recoil
Slower ROF
HE & APDS magazines
Mk200 6.5 mm Advanced
Mk200 6.5 mm Advanced (Black)
Mk200 6.5 mm Advanced X
Mk200 6.5 mm Advanced X (Black)
Vanilla Extended ammo count

Only for X variants:
Higher recoil
Slower ROF
Removed silencer
HE & APDS magazines
Mk200 6.5 mm Advanced X
Mk200 6.5 mm Advanced X (Black)
Vanilla HE & APDS magazines
Zubr 12.7 mm
Vanilla 12.7x55 mm rounds
L115A3 LRR Advanved
Community Upgrade Project Extended ammo count
MG42 Advanced
MG42 Advanced X
Red Hammer Studios Extended ammo count
Higher ROF

Only for X variants:
Higher recoil
Slower ROF
HE & APDS magazines
MP44 Advanced
Red Hammer Studios
Extended ammo count
AP magazines
MG3 Advanced
MG3 Advanced X
Bundeswehr Mod Extended ammo count
Higher ROF

Only for X variants:
Higher recoil
Slower ROF
HE & APDS magazines
MG3 Advanced
MG3 Advanced (RIS)
MG3 Advanced X
MG3 Advanced X (RIS)
Community Upgrade Project Extended ammo count
Higher ROF

Only for X variants:
Higher recoil
Slower ROF
HE & APDS magazines
Which additional mods are allowed?

Please be aware that these mods are client-side mods. Other players don't see or hear your changes.

Name Mod
Workshop Link
Better Inventory
GUI https://steamcommunity.com/sha…iledetails/?id=2791403093
Blastcore Murr Edition
VFX https://steamcommunity.com/wor…iledetails/?id=2257686620
Sound https://steamcommunity.com/wor…filedetails/?id=861133494
JSRS SOUNDMOD - RHS AFRF Mod Pack Sound Support
Sound https://steamcommunity.com/sha…filedetails/?id=945476727
JSRS SOUNDMOD - RHS USAF Mod Pack Sound Support
Sound https://steamcommunity.com/sha…iledetails/?id=1180533757
JSRS SOUNDMOD - RHS GREF Mod Pack Sound Support
Sound https://steamcommunity.com/sha…iledetails/?id=1180534892
JSRS SOUNDMOD - RHS SAF Mod Pack Sound Support
Sound https://steamcommunity.com/sha…iledetails/?id=1486541773
JSRS SOUNDMOD - CUP Vehicles Mod Sound Support
Sound https://steamcommunity.com/sha…iledetails/?id=1624804924
JSRS SOUNDMOD - Reloading Sounds
Sound https://steamcommunity.com/sha…iledetails/?id=1429098683
JSRS SOUNDMOD 2025 Beta - AiO Compat Files
Sound https://steamcommunity.com/sha…iledetails/?id=3407970596
JSRS SOUNDMOD 2025 Beta - RC1 Sound https://steamcommunity.com/sha…iledetails/?id=3407948300
VTOL Hover Controller
Mechanics https://steamcommunity.com/sha…iledetails/?id=1786056727
A3 Thermal Improvement
Mechanics https://steamcommunity.com/sha…iledetails/?id=2041057379
Why do I get kicked because of whitelist issues?

This is a bug in infiSTAR Vision. We do not have a whitelist on the server and therefore you cannot be added. A relog fixes the problem quite simply. A fix for this problem is not in sight from infiSTAR.

Which vehicles can I customize with the Pylon Manager?

Alle Fahrzeuge können über das Vehicle Crafting Terminal gecraftet werden.

Fahrzeugname Besonderheit Mod
AH-99 Blackfoot (Dynamic Loadout)
- Vanilla
AH-9 Pawnee (Dynamic Loadout) - Vanilla
Mi-48 Kajman (Dynamic Loadout) - Vanilla
PO-30 Orca (Dynamic Loadout)
- Vanilla
WY-55 Hellcat (Dynamic Loadout)
- Vanilla
A-143 Buzzard (Dynamic Loadout)
- Vanilla
A-164 Wipeout (Dynamic Loadout)
- Vanilla
To-199 Neophron (Dynamic Loadout)
- Vanilla
Y-32 Xi'an (Infantry Transport) (Dynamic Loadout)
- Vanilla
Y-32 Xi'an (Vehicle Transport) (Dynamic Loadout)
- Vanilla
A-149 Gryphon (Dynamic Loadout)
- Vanilla
F/A-181 Black Wasp II (Dynamic Loadout)
- Vanilla
To-201 Shikra (Dynamic Loadout)
- Vanilla
Ka-52 (Dynamic Loadout)
- Red Hammer Studios (RHS)
Mi-24P (Dynamic Loadout)
- Red Hammer Studios (RHS)
Mi-24V (Dynamic Loadout)
- Red Hammer Studios (RHS)
Mi-28N (Dynamic Loadout)
- Red Hammer Studios (RHS)
Mi-8MTV-3 (Dynamic Loadout)
- Red Hammer Studios (RHS)
Mi-8MTV-3 (Heavy) (Dynamic Loadout)
- Red Hammer Studios (RHS)
F-22A (Dynamic Loadout)
- Red Hammer Studios (RHS)
A-10A (Dynamic Loadout)
- Red Hammer Studios (RHS)
Su-25 (Dynamic Loadout)
- Red Hammer Studios (RHS)
To-50 obr. 2011 (Dynamic Loadout)
- Red Hammer Studios (RHS)
To-50 obr. 2011 (External Pylons) (Dynamic Loadout)
- Red Hammer Studios (RHS)
MiG-29S (Dynamic Loadout)
- Red Hammer Studios (RHS)
MiG-29SM (Dynamic Loadout)
- Red Hammer Studios (RHS)
UH Tiger (Dynamic Loadout)
- Bundeswehr Mod (BWA3)
UH Tiger RMK (Dynamic Loadout)
- Bundeswehr Mod (BWA3)
CH-146 Griffon (Dynamic Loadout)
- Community Upgrade Project (CUP)
Ka-50 Black Shark (Dynamic Loadout)
- Community Upgrade Project (CUP)
AH-64 (Dynamic Loadout)
- Community Upgrade Project (CUP)
AH-64 (Dynamic Loadout)
- Community Upgrade Project (CUP)
Mi-24P (Dynamic Loadout)
- Community Upgrade Project (CUP)
Mi-24V (Dynamic Loadout)
- Community Upgrade Project (CUP)
A-10A Thunderbolt II (Dynamic Loadout)
- Community Upgrade Project (CUP)
AV-8B Harrier II (Dynamic Loadout)
- Community Upgrade Project (CUP)
Su-25T Frogfoot (Dynamic Loadout)
- Community Upgrade Project (CUP)
Su-34 (Dynamic Loadout)
- Community Upgrade Project (CUP)
A-10C Thunderbolt II
USAF Pylon Manager
F-22A Raptor (Heavy)
USAF Pylon Manager USAF Mod
F-22A Raptor (EWP-AA)
USAF Pylon Manager USAF Mod
F-22A Raptor (EWP-AG)
USAF Pylon Manager USAF Mod
F-35A Lightning II (Heavy)
USAF Pylon Manager USAF Mod
F-35A Lightning II (Stealth)
USAF Pylon Manager USAF Mod
F-35A Lightning II (Light)
USAF Pylon Manager USAF Mod
F-22A Raptor
USAF Pylon Manager USAF Mod
Su-35 Flanker E
JS Pylon Manager JS / TeTeTe3
How is the Sand Beach working?

There are one or more sand beaches on each map. There you will find piles of sand that you can "mine" with a Shovel (Usable). Depending on your skill level, you will receive at least one Sand Bag. You will need a Burlap Sack to mine the sand pile.

Note: The Tempest Device cannot be used for this action.

How is the Quarry working?

There is one or more Quarry on every map. There you will find stones that you can mine with a Pickaxe (Usable). Depending on your skill level, you will receive at least four resources (depending on the type of stone). You can sell gemstones and crystals. You can process metal into ingots, which can also be sold. Stones can be processed into cement (Cement Bag) or mortar (Bucket of Mortar).

Note: The Tempest Device cannot be used for this action.

What can Service Vehicles do?


- Complete healing of the character

- Possibility of respawn

- Requirement for vehicle crafting


- Repair of vehicles

- Requirement for vehicle crafting


- Rearm of vehicles

- Requirement for Vehicle Crafting


- Refuel of vehicles

- Requirement for Vehicle Crafting


- Repair of vehicles

- Rearm of vehicles

- Refuel of vehicles

- Requirement for Vehicle Crafting


- Direct storage of some resources

- Requirement for vehicle crafting

Tow Truck

- Salvaging of vehicles

- Requirement for Vehicle Crafting


- Localisation of side missions (Keyvault, ATM etc.)

- Requirement for Vehicle Crafting

Auto Loot:

- Automatic collection of loot (AI)

What are the despawn timers for dead AI?

- more than 30 players: 10 minutes

- more than 20 players: 15 minutes

- less than 20 players: 25 minutes

- when there is no player in 1000m radius: 15 minutes (skips to other values when players are in 1000m radius)

- when AI is naked: 2 minutes

What is the Hive and what data is shared?

With the Hive you can use your account and your data on every map we host.

Following data is shared:

- Family & Party

- stats on account

- Locker at Trader

- Trader Virtual Garage

- Refund Queue

Following data is not shared:

- Family Marker

- everything on the map itself

- everything in connection with your territory

- Listings in Player Market

What is the Vehicle Graveyard?

The Vehicle Graveyard is the car park for vehicles parked incorrectly. The team stores vehicles there that have been parked incorrectly according to the rules.

The vehicles can be bought free at any vehicle dealer (land, air, water). The fee is displayed in the GUI of the Graveyard. This is automatically deducted from the locker.

Picked up vehicles automatically end up in the refund queue.

What are Daily Rewards?

You can earn rewards every day via Daily Rewards. The following conditions must be met before you can collect Daily Rewards:

- 60 minutes playing time (billed via Wages)

- for 50,000 Respect you can buy the Daily Reward on regular days

- on the last day of the month you can buy all the days you don't have yet for 25,000 respect per day

You can collect your Daily Rewards at the Office Trader.

You can get the following items from the Daily Rewards:

- on normal days: Poptabs, Respect, Vehicle Crafting Items, Base Building Items

- on day 7, 14, 21 and 28: Rubber Ducks, special clothing (XL, helmet, night vision goggles), Advanced weapons and Keycards

- last day of the month: special vehicle*

If you have redeemed your Daily Reward, this status will be reset at midnight. Otherwise it will continue to run the next day until you have collected it.**

* This vehicle is changed every month. Exceptions are possible.

** Example: you play for 60 minutes today because you have no other time. This means you can play the other 60 minutes tomorrow so that you can collect your Daily Reward. If you have already played 120 minutes, you will not receive any additional minutes until you have collected the Daily Reward. It is not possible to skip days. You always collect the reward that is next in line.

List of all Daily Reward vehicles:

How can I adjust the FOV?

To calculate the FOV relative to the resolution of your screen, you can use this calculator: https://gamecalculator.netlify.app/#/arma3-fov-calculator

You can adjust the values accordingly in the local files in your profile. You can find a detailed tutorial here: https://steamcommunity.com/sha…iledetails/?id=1731376270

How is the Police Safe working?

There are police safes all over Chernarus, but only in police stations and hospitals. These can be opened with keys that can be found in radioactive zones. A maximum of 5 will spawn at any one time, but with a short delay.

The following rewards (with corresponding probability) can be found in the Police Safe:

- 100%: at least 5,000 poptabs, but a maximum of 15,000 poptabs

- 45%: 1- 5 Keycards, Police Safe Keys or Construction Supply Cards

- 20%: 2 Rubber Ducks

- 1%: Special weapons or special clothing

Police Safes can be located with Radio Service Vehicle/Backpacks.

How is vehicle insurance working?

At the Respect Trader you can buy for a certain amount of Respect a Vehicle Insurance. The Vehicle Insurance insures your vehicle from any kind of destruction (either your own fault or AI) and is stackable to 10.

The following actions will remove the Vehicle Insurance
- Vehicle Salvage (Rubber Duck)

- Vehicle Graveyard

The Vehicle Insurance is not tradable via Player Market.

How is the Unit Scanner working?

The unit scanner can then be activated via the XM8. By default, all vehicles, static weapons, crates and living AI are displayed. Alternatively, dead AI can be displayed.

The standard range is 200m, but can be extended to 1000m. For every 15 kills of AI, 1m is added.

What is the "Auto Looter" vehicle?

With the Auto Looter you can collect items and weapon from dead bodies per mousewheel menu. The radius is limited to 50 meter.

The following things can't be collected:

- Contents of crates and vehicles

- Loot which spawns in buildings

The Auto Looter is a event only vehicle. It can't be obtained in a normal way.

How is the Construction Supply Chest working?

Construction Supply Chests spawn mainly in construction sites, unfinished buildings, schools, warehouses and shops. There, the chests spawn in a certain type of shop. The chests can be opened with a Keycard, which can be found in radioactive zones.

FThe following rewards (with corresponding probability) can be found in the Construction Supply Chest:

- 100%: at least 5 Ressources for construction

- 100%: at least 1 Tool

- 100%: at least 1 Base Building Object

- 25%: up to 1 Base Object

- 15%: up to 1 Building

- 75%: up to 1 Container

- 75%: up to 1 Crafting Object

- 50%: at least 1 Base Light

- 5%: up to 1 Service Object

- 2% up to 1 Vehicle Crafting Object

Construction Supply Chests can be located with Radio Service Vehicle/Backpacks.