What are the skill levels?

There is a maximum of 10 skill levels. The skills are calculated 100*level. This means that you have to do 1000 activities in one area to get level 10.

Depending on the level, there is a multiplier in the earnings. This is 0.25 + level. This means that at level 10 you have a multiplier of 2. This means that depending on the activity, there is a chance of better items or the output is doubled. The maximum reachable amount of skill points is 999.999.

Technically there is no level limit, but it requires 10 level to reach the maximum output of earnings for the specific activity. Some activity can unlock special rewards at higher levels.

Currently you get for 1 skill point 1 Poptab per hourly through Wages. For the following exceptions you get for 10 skill points 1 Poptab:

- Fishing

- Harvesting

- Mining

- Butcher

An explanation of the specific earnings can be found in the FAQ article on the activity, if available.

There are skill levels for the following activities, and skill points are also shown for each.

  1. Fishing
    1. Fishing from a boat
  2. Sand Bags
    1. Crafting sandbags
  3. Salvaging
    1. Salvaging of vehicles
  4. Harvesting
    1. Water plants
    2. Fertilize plants
    3. Harvest plants
  5. Metal Processing
    1. Recovery of metal through scrap and containers
  6. Mining
    1. Mining of stones in the quarry
  7. Butcher
    1. Give food and water to animals
    2. Gut animals
  8. Wood Chopping
    1. Chopping trees
  9. Robbery
    1. Robbing ATM