Posts by weasel

    I played on NAPF just now and noticed that you cannot sell crate content only at the traders, I checked North East (Luzern) trader and South (Sorenberg) trader and couldn't do it. I forgot to check South West (NAPF Airport) trader.

    edit: These have been fixed now, at least Napf Airport was.

    I was wondering if it would be possible to add the option to sell crate content to the vehicle crate menu. Currently you can only sell the crate+content. You can sell 1 item at a time when you go to trader npc and via that select crate and 1 item at a time but it takes a really long time if you have hundreds of items in crate. I often reuse a crate, as I refill them when mission crate goes full.

    I remember this was an option previously when this script was used.


    please someone correct me if I'm wrong.

    1. I'm not sure but I think some roaming AIs also have rocket launchers either on soldiers or on vehicles.
    2. In my experience they start shooting at you around the 500-600 meter mark if you're on a land vehicle.
    3. In my experience wish for the best and if they shoot at you with a "dumbfire" aka non-guidable missile, hit the brakes, change driving direction, go behind hill/building and sometimes I just jump out of the car (it confuses the AI when the vehicle becomes unoccupied and they start ignoring the vehicle but only SOMETIMES). If they shoot at you with guidable missiles you're pretty much screwed unless you can take cover behind hill or building, but Titan launchers can shoot high up first then start homing on you so a low building/object may not protect you. Also if you approach a mission site, try to do it through a forest, they cannot lock on you if you got good tree cover.
    4. I think the only way is to try to look if anyone of them is grabbing their rocket launcher and aim at you but it is difficult when you're far away.

    Also, I've noticed that if I have any P2P (torrent) activity on my network, even on a different PC, I often get kicked due to server detecting wrong signatures on random files, usually mod files like RHS. When I stop all P2P programs I do not get kicked due to signature errors. It's as if the P2P traffic somehow interrupts signature verification or the delivery of the signature check results. It happens even if I limit my P2P traffic to minimum. I even bought a high-end router to deal with the traffic and still get the same results. My friend who also sometimes plays on the server gets same results if he has P2P active on another PC on the same network. Doesn't matter if I verify or do not verify my Arma3 files the results are the same. I have a very stable 200/20 Mbps optic fiber connection.