-adjusted accessibility of locker storage
- added message, when a XM8 vehicle got destroyed and with the name of the destroyer
-adjusted accessibility of locker storage
- added message, when a XM8 vehicle got destroyed and with the name of the destroyer
- (Chernarus) fixed randomizer issue with Police Safes
- (Chernarus) Police Safes now drop up to 5 magazines to a weapon
- all Transmission Towers can now be used for XM8 Commander
- Daily Reward and Advent Calendar can now drop Police Keys and Construction Supply Cards
- Police Safes can now drop Police Safe Keys and Construction Supply Cards
- Keyvaults can now drop Keycards, Police Safe Keys and Construction Supply Cards (up to 6)
- (Chernarus) added more possible buildings for Construction Supply Chest
- fixed issue with respawn chance on Keyvaults
- fixed issue where ATM and Police Safe couldn't be found via "Locate Side Mission"
- added Construction Supply Chests (see https://avmg.eu/index.php?faq-…onstruction-supply-chest/)
- added Special 412 SAR & Special EH302
- fixed pylons on Rubber Duck Ka-50 AT variants
- fixed refund issue with MQ-12 Falcon
- fixed capacity issue with MQ-12 Falcon
- added texture labels to new signs
- fixed issue with textures not showing up in Paint menu
- added completely new designed keycards (thanks to Vaco!)
- fixed issue with USAF FA181 (Stealth) pylons
- added a couple of new sign objects with custom description textures
- replaced a couple of high poly objects with low poly objects
- added Helipad texture for base objects (other textures can be added too, just request them)
- fixed issue with some uniforms only accessible via "Take All"
- added Breadseed Poppy and Coca Plant
- added Opium Milk and Coca Leaves (can be processed into Heroin/Cocaine)
- added Milk Can (Moo)
- fixed capacity issue of Frigates (500 -> 5000)
- generally buffed AH-99 & Mi-48 Radar (8km)
- added new special livery for F/A-181 variants (for Rubber Duck only) (thanks to Vaco!)
- added a couple of new Rubber Duck vehicles
Die Crafting Crates nicht dazu gedacht a ls Lagerplätzer eingesetzt zu werden, daher haben diese ein Limit von 1. Genau so wie das Vehicle Crafting Terminal. Ebenso sind die Fish Cutting Crates, Composter und andere Items (in Bezug aufs Farm Management) auf 5 begrenzt.
Bei der Basebegehung ist mir vor allem aufgefallen, dass einige Nutzer teilweise 5-10 Crafting Crates stehen haben. Die Limitierung sollte allerdings seit Einführung der System bestehen, wurde nur vergessen. Daher nachträglich eingefügt.
- Server now only announces important levels up (1 - 10), except Fishing: 1-10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 150
- limited insurance cost of high cost vehicles to 125.000*current percentage cost of vehicle sell price (would be today: 1.050.000)
- when a player logs off, a 15 min timer starts for his missions (if claimed)
- if the player logs back in within 15 min, the mission won't unclaim
- if the player doesn't log back in after 15 min, the server will unclaim the mission automatically
- completely reworked the code for fishing (no more -30s cooldowns)
- with increasing level, you catch less rubbish out of the sea
- reduced chance of catching of Rubber Ducks by 50%
- at night, there is a much higher chance to catch a Rubber Duck (100% of regular amount)
- reduced chance of fish swarm to 15%
- removed "Catch Fish" option in XM8
- Prestige 10 Fishing Boat is now available at Level 150