- Police Units will now spawn close to ATM
Posts by Maletzki
- renabled Gear Crate Markers
- Gear Crate AI reduced to 2 units
- Gear Crate AI will have launchers now
- reduced loot of Gear Crate slightly
- added FIR F-35 to crafting list
- added C130J service variants
- Advent Calendar extended until the 31st Dec
- crafted vehicles now have the same cost at Graveyard as their Trader bought counterpart
- removed location announcement of Keyvaults, ATM and Police Safes
- opened/robbed Keyvaults, ATM and Police Safe will be deleted from the server after a certain time
- after deletion of Keyvaults, ATM, Police Safe there is a chance (Keyvault 5%; Police Safe 15%; ATM 50%) that they will respawn
- slightly reduced probabilities of Police Safe items
- increased insurance price from 5% to 7% of the vehicle price
- Reward vehicles (Daily Reward, Advent Calendar etc.) will now come with 2 free insurances
- enabled Currency Conversion for everyone
- reduced Poptabs to Respect rate from 15:1 to 10:1
- added Currency Conversion to Respect Shop (internal testing phase)
- crafted vehicles (non Rubber Duck) will have now the same insurance cost as their Trader bought counterpart
- fixed issue where it was possible to collect Daily Reward & Advent Calendar completely on the 1st day of the month
- fixed issue where a reward could be handled out twice due to desyncs
- players in XM8 are now automatically visible when logging in
- Respect Shop is now available for everyone
- added Vehicle Insurances to Current Vehicles overview
- if a player destroys a vehicle (and he is not the owner) with active insurance, the player needs to pay Respect (the specific value of the insurance price)*
* for now disabled, but if a player destroys a vehicle (and he is not the owner) with active insurance, the insurance is not removed -
- added Respect Shop (internal testing phase)
- added additional check for dead objects so they are not carryable anymore